It came.
The book i've been looking for for the last ten years.
Just when i thought all was lost, and i would never find others out there in the same situation as me, this wonderful piece of literature appears via the good old postie.
I sat looking at the cover for ages, turning the book over and over in my hands like it were some sort of priceless artifact.
For me, it is.
My Holy Grail.
I read it in a day. And my favourite piece in the whole book, is the opening story, by Malcolm Bradbury, entitled 'The Spouse in the House.'
In fact, that was the only part of the book i needed to read really. This is one man who really understood what his wife went through living with him.
Sadly, Malcolm died in 2000, but i loved this little story so much, i feel that i don't need to read anything else about writers and their wives ever again.
I salute and thank you sir.
Till next time,
Shakespeare's Housekeeper xx